Saturday, February 17, 2007


Yesterday was a weird day around here. My mother-in-law is here, so we took the kids to Backyard Adventures to play. While there, I got a call from my cousin Chad's girlfriend, Doree that my mom was really sick and had passed out and fallen at home alone. When she woke up, she called Chad and he called Doree and another friend of my mom's to go check on her (he was working in a different part of town). When Doree got there, she said my mom looked terrible and they called 911. My mom went to the hospital where she was diagnosed with a bacterial infection which made her pass out. She was somewhat dehydrated from being sick as well. In the fall, she literally landed on her face and broke her nose. I feel completely helpless being 1000 miles away. I'm so thankful Chad & Doree are taking such good care of her! I'm praying for a really quick and easy, uncomplicated recovery.

On a positive note, Ed found out that he was rated as an 'exceeds' director by his officer, who is strict about giving out that rating! Its a big deal for a lot of reasons. It makes for a bigger raise and well as some 'ada-boys' from the higher-ups, which everyone loves to get! Plus, he has worked hard and truly earned it. I'm really proud of him and thankful God has given him such a passion for his work! Its always nice to be compensated for doing what you love!

Last night, we went to dinner with one of Ed's manager's and her husband. We checked out a restaurant called Mosaix in West Des Moines. Fancy atmosphere, but I wasn't overly impressed. Ed, on the other hand, loved it! We had a great time and it was fun getting to know Laurie and Bryson a little better.

Tonight, we've got BIG plans...I'll blog about it tomorrow!! So, stay tuned!!

1 comment:

amain said...

Oh, my gosh, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. Keep me posted...
As for Mosaix, it has been one of our faves, and ones of our 'haven't been there in ages' restaurants since it opened probably 7 years ago. Next time try Phat Chefs further North on 50th Street. Definitely more casual atmosphere, but locally owned, and really good food.