That day changed my life more than any other before or since. In more than just the 'usual' ways a firstborn does.
I wish I could say that day was just full of joy. Unfortunately, it was a day of sadness, grief and unbearable pain as we learned Jordan had not only Down Syndrome, but a life threatening heart defect as well. In those first few months, we grieved over the "loss" of a 'perfect' baby. Little did we know.
We are so blessed that her life and ours has been nothing like what we imagined (or were told to expect) seven years ago. She has brought overwhelming joy into our lives and I am so honored that God chose ME to be her mom!
Happy Birthday, my precious girl. You will never understand the depths of my love for you. The pride I feel when I look at you. The sense of fulfillment you bring to my world. Being your mom has been one of the most rewarding opportunities of my life!
I guess I should add all the 'usual' birthday blog stuff:
*Jordan has the most beautiful BLUE eyes I've ever seen.
*Jordan loves animals, babies & all things ballet!
*Jordan is one of the most perceptive kids I've ever known. She can pick up on others emotions in a remarkable way.
*Jordan is adorable, smart, charming, funny, resourceful and downright amazing.
I love you, Jordan-bug. Thank you for bringing such delight into my world! Happy Birthday!
I remember that day like it was yesterday ...I remember being at the hospital and waiting, waiting, waiting for Jordan to make her debut ...and when she finally did, I remember Eddie bringing her out into the waiting room to show her off! He was SO proud!
And in the difficult hours that followed that high, what I remember most of all is your strength and your determination and your instant mindset that Jordan would not be labeled, or stifled. That she would achieve all that you had intended for her and MORE.
She is such a delight, such a tender heart, and such a character!
Happy Birthday to Jordan (my favorite 7 year-old in the world!)
And Happy Anniversary to You and Eddie ...as this marks the day that you became parents!
P.S. That is a FANTASTIC picture of you two!
I love that picture of you two. Jordan is such a precious girl, I feel so blessed God brought our families together. Her smile is contagious, what a lucky family you are.
You are so right about how it changed your life....your destiny was to become the amazing mom you are today! Sarah is right...that is a great photo. Not only do the two of you look just darlin', it also rightly depicts what is true of your relationship. The two of you really shine together! Happy Happy Birthday beautiful Jordan.
I feel so blessed to be a small part of Jordan's world. She brings such joy to me and Mister Randy. I'll never forget how she called Randy Papa at first. :) She is an amazing young lady and has grown in so many ways in the time we have known her. That picture is beautiful! It should be a portrait in your house. You and Ed have done a wonderful job with all your kids!
Since the picture is such a hit, I should give credit to my friend, Jen!! She's an awesome photographer! I love it too!
I'm touched by the sweet comments here - thank you!!!
Jordan~ we are SO blessed to have you in our lives as well! Happy 7th birthday, girlfriend~ we love you!!!
I can't believe my neice is already 7! She is getting to be such a little lady.
I too remember those early days, when you wondered if Eddie would ever look at Jordan with those adoring eyes again after we found out about her Down Syndrome, if you still ever wonder, please go back to your blog and see the picture of him curled up with her. He loves her! Just like every parent loves their child, good bad indifferent. I also admire the both of you as parents, you are wonderful! I am so glad to have you all in my family. And can only hope I am as good of a mother as you (and for once, I being am sincere and NOT sarcastic)
What a remarkable little gem you have! We love Jordan so much.
Wow! I can hardly believe it has been 7 years since Jordan made her entrance into this world and your life! It's funny...I remember my exact location when we got "the call" that day! I also remember how, as you said, the celebration soon turned to confusion and many more emotions you couldn't even put into words. What a joyful journey the Lord has led and continues to lead you on. What an amazing example of faith and courage and determination and LOVE you and your precious family are to all the world!! I am so touched by your message to sweet Jordan....I know she is such a delight to all who know her, especially to her mama! Happy belated birthday wishes from our family...and hugs to all of you!
Happy Birthday Jordyn - You are amazing young lady! I loved you the first time I layed eyes on you - You are SO much fun! Your mom's pretty cool herself. I leave her company and am challenged and inspired every single time. God Bless you on your 7th Birthday! Love Dara
Happy Birthday Jordan! I was just lucky enough to catch the beauty and love and sweetness that just emanates from you both :)
ok, make me bawl. great writing on jordan's special day.
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