Friday, September 25, 2009

Cub Scouts

Jake went to his first Pack Meeting last week and has been to two Den Meetings.
If you've never had a son in Scouts, let me just tell you that there's a learning curve involved! If you have had a son in Scouts, you may recall the overload-of-new-information.

The lingo alone cracks me up. Then there's the Cub Scout handshake. The Cub Scout Promise. The Law of the Pack. The Cub Scout sign. Motto. Salute. Uniforms. Living Circle Ceremony. On and on it goes. Serious learning curve.

Fortunately, its completely worth it! Not only does Jake absolutely LOOOVE it, but the values Scouts instills are completely in-line with our family. Lots of family/parent involvement, serious focus on respecting/helping others, instilling a strong work ethic and fierce love of/commitment to our country. In addition, we joined a Christian Homeschool Pack.
Jakey is already learning some really great things - like how to handle and fold the American flag and is looking forward to his first campout next month.

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