Monday, December 04, 2006

What a nut-case!!

Last night, we went to JCFC's leadership Christmas party! Ed, ALWAYS a nut...and willing to do just about anything for shock value, found this cute little number somewhere in our friends' house! You can imagine the laughs he got! Someone said this would be a good blackmail picture...the only catch is you can't blackmail someone with something they're proud of!!
I think this might have been the first time that I wasn't completely mortified or surprised by his antics. I guess I'm finally getting used to him. And to think its only taken me TWELVE years!
My sister-in-law, Stacey, framed a picture of Ed and I with me posing nicely and Ed trying to stick his tongue in my ear...I keep it out because it is SO us! We are alot alike in many ways, but this is another reminder of how very different we are!


Lori Eilers said...

I think I should be using Mr. Hambone's look-at-me attitude to do characters in Creek Kids BUT I think I'll avoid having him teach any spiritual truths. :) Good times, Eddy.

Anonymous said...

he totally surprised me - he is truly nut-case - great times. you think you know what funny to expect out of someone and then they pull this out- and its like- totally didn't see that coming!

Sarah said...

This is the Ed we all know and love. If only I could find that picture from the Kehma Boardwalk ...(did I spell that right??)

Anonymous said...

Why Angela... this is sooo low key for Eddie!!! I'm glad you are able to appreciate him now instead of being embarrassed! This is a gift!!! Way to go Ed!!!

Stacey said...

Hey Bro-You make me so happy and proud!! It's definitely you. WOOHOO!