Baby BOY!
I broke down and decided to find out. We had a blast not knowing if Jadyn was a boy or a girl until she got here, but there are some benefits to knowing as well! Like having pink or blue clothes instead of green and yellow! So important! :-) And being able to tell the kids they are having a baby brother. And picking out a name. And making my mother-in-law happy! :-)
There are so few things that are still surprises anymore, so part of me liked not knowing for just that reason. But, its a surprise whether you find out at 17 weeks - or at 40 weeks!!
We are all very excited! Well ... everyone but Jordan seems to be thrilled with the news. She'll come around. It is a baby after all and when he gets here, she'll forget she ever wished for another sister!
Now to pick out a name!
Congratulations! Can't wait to meet him in around 23 weeks!!!
You should totally name him Luke Skywalker.
What a great early birthday gift!! I'm so excited for you all and I know Jordan won't care one bit when the little man arrives. I'm sure Jakey is thrilled. Gonna be a "J" name I assume? We have some friends who named their son George but spelled it the way they do in Norway (or some place like that)...Jorge. Hee Hee...
Yea for boys! Let's see....Junior, James, Jimmy, Joe, Jack, Johnny, Jorge (oops, just read Lori's comment....I'm too late)
So thrilled for you all!!!!
Congrats!!!! Just don't ask Jon for name suggestions ;)
Yea! I just had a feeling it was a boy.
Thanks so much for sharing. Now, we need a picture of you and your growing baby boy belly.
Now here's a few names to think about. Jameson, Jamal, Jackson,Jagger, Jack or my favorite, Joseph.
So glad to get the news!
Woohoo! I bet Jake is soooo excited. You looked so cute today at church, I'm loving watching the progression. Your right about Jordan-all she will care about is that he's a baby and he lives it at her house. I suggested a J name to Shawn when we were expecting Cale.....it was Jude. He was totally not a fan, I still really like it.
that is an AMAZING ultrasound pix...
of Joseph Ellis Sustala:)
Yeah - we were right!!! its a boy!!!
of course josh is still holding out for Joshua! LOL!
So many name suggestions ... I love it! Yes, we are going with another J name ... so obnoxious, but it would be weird to depart from it now! Besides, its easier to get everyone all mixed up when I just have yell, "Jjjjj..." They all respond! :-)
Anyway, if you're interested in our final 10, check them out here ... and vote!! http://www.babynames.com/namelist/9577455
Now THAT is a fun website!!
Eric must be one of your brother's name. What is the other brother's name???
You're right, Amy - Eric is my brother and Erin is the other (that would have been the middle name if it were a girl).
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