Our Christmas holiday was busy and went by way too fast. We enjoyed a very brief visit from my mom (after she got stuck spending the night in Wichita due to the weather) and then a longer visit from Ed's mom. She flew back to Houston today. The kids have been totally and completely spoiled - just as it should be when Gummie and Grandma both come to visit at Christmas time! Of course, they have more new toys than they know what to do with - and more new clothes than they can wear in two weeks.
I didn't do too bad myself. Ed got me a gift certificate to stay (alone!) at the Sheraton. Even though it sounds like a torture session to him, he knows me well enough to know I need time alone to recharge. I'm really looking forward to it! He also got me a new Flip Video camera. Its totally cool - it only records 30 minutes of footage, but requires no tape or memory stick - and hooks right into the computer to download. I'm totally pumped ... and might actually post some video clips to my blog! I got a ton of other goodies - including lots of maternity clothes!! One of the favorites around here has been a computer game Jakey got - although I think Ed and I are enjoying at least as much as Jake - Jewel Quest - as recommended by our friend Curt. Its addictive!
We took our Christmas tree and decorations down yesterday. Today has been a day to clean, play games and just veg as a family. And, there's football, of course.
Tomorrow we're back to our routine. Ed goes back to work after being off for two weeks and the kids and I get back to school. We got our new NACD program and its brutal. But, the timing is good. We'll plug away until the baby comes and then have a breather for a while.
I don't know about you, but I always look forward to a new year with such anticipation. What does God have in store? What changes are ahead? Challenges? Blessings? Can't wait to see ...
The possibilities are so exciting! :)
well, we know of one little blessing to expect for sure!
i,like you, anticipate all that God has for us in the new year.
may your family experience it all to the fullest!
I love the New Year~ although each day we are new in Christ, I like seeing it on the calendar...guess that is the 'planner' in me:)
We are looking forward to enjoying 2008 with you and your GROWING family!!
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