Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The ABC's of me

I've been "tagged" by my friend Sarah, so here goes nothin':

A- Attached or Single: Quite firmly attached
B- Best Friend(s): Ed & a couple really close girlfriends
C- Cake or Pie: Pumpkin pie - otherwise, I'm not much into either
D-Day of Choice: Saturdays
E-Essential Item(s): Books, Computer, cell phone
F-Favorite Type of Music: Contemporary Praise and Worship
G-Gummy bears or worms: bears, but I'd prefer jelly bellies or Mike and Ike's.
H-Hometown: Houston, TX
I-Indulgences: "Birthday Cake Remix" from Coldstone; pedicures; Starbucks
J-January or July: Definitely July
K-Kids: Doubtful you've missed them - 3 and one on the way
L-Last movie: I'm sure Ed will roll his eyes, but I don't remember (which is pretty common for me!)
M-Marriage Date: July 20, 1996
N-Number of Siblings: An assortment of half, step & even some cousins my mom raised.
O-Oranges or Apples: apples - unless someone peels the orange for me.
P-Phobias or Fears: Critters/bugs
Q-Quotes: My current fave: "Put on your big girl panties and deal with it!"
R-Reasons to Smile: Wow - so many. My God, My family, My life - and all the little things in between. Plus, my husbands zany sense of humor - but I guess that's more a reason to laugh.
S-Season: Spring or Fall
T-Tag: Amy, Mandy, Ericka, Lori (sorry, ladies!) :-)
U-Unknown Fact About Me: I'm an open book. I doubt there's much that's unknown. Perhaps not everyone knows I had Jadyn at home and am planning the same this time around. Homebirths are the BEST!
V-Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: I love me some steak!
W-Worst Habit: Picking at my fingernails. Perhaps that was an unknown. And perhaps it should have stayed that way.
X-X-rays or Ultrasounds: Neither if I can help it.
Y-Your Favorite Food: Ice cream!
Z-Zodiac: Capricorn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am going to have to borrow your saying--maybe I can use that on Jon? LOL