Monday, April 28, 2008

Second Grade at Joyful Education School

I finally got all our curriclum settled for next fall. My hope is to be homeschooling year round - although this summer we'll be taking lots of time off with a new baby in the mix.

One of the things I love about having a blog is being able to keep track of what we do. So, with that in mind, I'm listing out our curriculum for next year - it probably won't mean much to very many ... but it will be fun for me to keep track!

For Jake, we'll be continuing My Father's World (MFW), which we have loved this year!

Next year focuses on an overview of U.S. history and geography before jumping into a 5-year history cycle - a Classical approach. I love the Classical approach, but I also love MFW's idea of giving kids a little background on their world before jumping into other countries, cultures, etc. One of my favorite things about MFW is the way they combine all the approaches I love - Classical, Charlotte Mason and Unit Studies all with a Christian foundation! And, its all put together for me!! (bonus!)

MFW will cover ~
  • Bible reading and scripture memory

  • Copywork, Narration, Memorization (poetry, etc.)
  • Vocabulary

  • Nature Studies & Walks (we'll keep a nature notebook)

  • History (U.S. - Exploring American History; American Pioneers & Patriots; North American Indians; Red, White and Blue; The Thanksgiving Story; The Fourth of July Story; Squanto: Friend of the Pilgrims; The Courage of Sarah Noble; On the Banks of Plum Creek; Sarah Whitcher's Story; In Grandma's Attic; Mountain Born; Farmer Boy; plus we'll keep a timeline in a book or on a wall)

  • Science (First Encyclopedia of Science; Science with Air; Science in the Kitchen; Birds, Nests and Eggs)

  • Geography (U.S. - all 50 states)

  • Music (Patriotic Songs - Celebrate America; The Story of Tchaikovsky in Words and Music CD; Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake; Sleeping Beauty; Nutcracker Highlights CD and The Nutcracker Ballet)

  • Art (I Can Do All Things)

We will also add ~

It sounds like a lot - but its really not as crazy as it looks. To accomplish everything plus a few NACD activities will take us about 3 hours per day. We won't be covering every subject everyday and what we do cover will be short lessons. MFW is a 4-day week with the 5th day being an "Exploration Day" - a day for nature walks, science experiments, art projects, catching up, etc.

For Jordan, we'll continue following NACD's recommendations for academics and will also add ~

Little Hearts for His Glory by Heart of Dakota Publishing - which will cover:

  • Science (The World God Made)

  • Music (Hide 'Em in Your Heart CD)

  • History (History for Little Pilgrims, History Stories for Children)

  • Bible (Family Time Bible, Devotions for the Children's Hour)

  • Reading

We'll also use Handwriting Without Tears (1st grade) and Hayes Math (3rd & 4th grade) + tons of books & lots of NACD stuff! We'll choose unit studies as we go along and incorporate lapbooks to go with them - and she'll participate in the lapbooks with Jake. Of course, she'll be continuing ballet! Jordan's day, depending on our NACD program will take 3-5 hours. Still shorter than a "traditional school day." I'd also really like to start a piano curriculum with all 3 kids - but I'm going to hold off on that until after Christmas and see where we are.

As always, we'll continue to include Jadyn with as much as possible. She's always game for Bible work, art, music, etc!

Our scripture for the year will be: Proverbs 2:1-11 "My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding—indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds success in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones. Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you."

Have I mentioned that I loooove homeschooling??? Its going to be a great year!

1 comment:

Exum Family said...

stephanie told me about your blog. i am a mom of a 17 month old and very much interested in homeschooling. well, not just interested but as sure as i can be at the moment that homeschooling is definitely what i want to do for my family. i'm actually an education major and completed my degree just days before my baby was born b/c i felt it would benefit me in teaching my children. anyway, all of that to say that i'm so happy that you put so much info on your blog and i've found so much encouragement from you. also, if you have any tips on where to start, please send them my way (if and only if you have the time or desire to do so...i know you must be busy and you don't even know me!).