Friday, October 16, 2009

Buddy Walk 2009

We would love for YOU to join Jordan's team "Journey with Jordan" to help us support our beautiful girl and help raise awareness about Down Syndrome!

Go to our team page HERE and register. The first 15 people to sign up will receive a button to wear at the walk. We will also have *something* (read: I-don't-know-what-yet) to help our team look cohesive and stand out! (ideas??)

If you can't join us at the walk in person, you can still support JOURNEY WITH JORDAN as a Team Donor.

This is the only event we participate in with the Down Syndrome community. We think education, research and awareness are all important to one day having a system that will allow people with Down Syndrome to lead completely 'normal' lives - void of the medical, mental, social and neurological issues many deal with. Jordan struggles every day to learn things that come easily to "typical" children. I am so proud of the hard work she puts in, mentally and physically, but I also look forward to the day when it won't be such a struggle for kids like her & parents like us. I believe that day will come and I appreciate your support and help in getting us there!

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