I know you can't tell anything from the silly grainy pictures, but its still fun. Hearing the heartbeat for the first time (even now - with the 4th one!) just never gets old! Ed and I looked at each other with the same awe as when we heard Jordan's the first time. Such a miracle and so precious!
ultrasounds are so awesome! we had the 3D kind with both of our boys, by 18 weeks, you can see everything perfectly. even their cute little button noses...
So sweet!! I love ultrasound pics ;)
those heartbeats always got me crying!!! babies are so wonderful :)
Thanks for sharing that! Amazing isn't it? Can't wait to meet #4!
celebrating with you from afar!
this is the best part about blogging...we all get to share in your joy!!
A new little life is exciting and should tug on the strings of your heart. I am truly excited for you and we can't wait for the arrival.
Hugs and Kisses to the new little bundle of joy!
Cheers to sleepless nights!
Hmm. very cool. I was thinking probably a boy! And since J names seem to rock the Sustala family, I know of this great J name you could use. And you could always remember you Iowa pastor... Just a thought :)
Yep, looks like a boy to me!
Hope your starting to feel better.
How exciting!! I love seeing the picture!!
I must say that I like the sound of "Joshua Sustala".
But if you don't like that name, I think that "Luke Skywalker" would be a cool name ...
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