Sunday, August 09, 2009

Famine Relief ... again!

Seems that no matter how much I want to keep this blog updated, I fall short pretty consistently. Sheesh!

I have actually been working on it, even if without new posts. I was ready for a new look, and after several updates in the past (for free!), I just didn't feel comfortable asking my sister-in-law's friend to do it again! So, I've spent some time working on a face lift for my blog. I'm not totally happy with it ... it has some issues. And, at the very least, I need a new header picture of my kids. Better yet, a picture of the Sustala Six would be good!! While you're checking out my new look, check out Swagbucks (the top link) - I just earned a free Amazon gift card - just for using Swagbucks as my search engine! I love FREE stuff!
In other news, here are some recent pix of life and kids ...
Jace has become not only a walker,
but also a climber and, therefore, a faller.
He's a brute, so he doesn't cry & rarely gets hurt.
Someone knock on wood. Quick.

Jake attended a soccer camp each evening last week.

It was much needed relief from soccer-withdrawals.
Just enough to tide him over until the fall season begins in a few weeks.
Here he is with his friend, Christopher, during a sno-cone break one night.

And, the Tomball fire department was kind enough to
show up one night. Just to teach the kids about water conservation.

My silly kids!

Jace has graduated from the 'highchair' tray to the table!A couple cute, random pics ...


Sleep, what's that??? said...

I LOVE that last pic the best!! TOO STINKIN' CUTE!!!!!!!! They are all getting so big!!! :O(

Stacey said...

I love how proud he looks while standing on the laundry basket! The kids are so cute.

Lori Eilers said...

Oh how I miss those kids!

Sarah said...

Very cute pics!

Anonymous said...

Angela, I haven't looked at your blog in ages, they kids look so great and growing so fast...
