Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My 9th Anniversary of being a Mom!

If I celebrate 9 years of being a mom, it can only mean one thing ...
Its Jordan's birthday! I know I say this with every birthday, but seriously, where does the time go? It seems like it flies faster and faster with each passing day!
I wish I had baby pictures in digital format (or at the very least, that my scanner was working!). It would be fun to post some of her baby pictures. Unfortunately, this is the only digital newborn picture I have of her ... The best I can do are pictures from when I first started blogging.

2006 (love those missing teeth!)

February 2007

September 2007

May 2008

September 2009

I've written before about how hard the first few months of her life were. What we couldn't fathom those first few weeks was THIS GIRL. The life we have with her. The joy that comes from being her mom (and dad ... I'll just speak for Ed here). The interests and abilities she now has. All we had then were preconceived ideas of Down Syndrome based on faulty notions, which in reality had no basis in fact. They are likely the very same ideas that (dare I say?) *most* people walk around with. Even a lot of people who have "experience" with Down Syndrome.

Jordan is a beautiful, smart, active girl who loves dancing, performing, books, school and all things music!
I have loved being a mom for nine years and I'm so thankful for my girl that started it all!


Beth Rainey said...

Happy Birthday, Jordan! We love you lots!

Love, Aunt Beth, Uncle Rick, Lauren and Josh

Sleep, what's that??? said...

Happy Birthday Jordan!!!!!!!! Hope you had a GREAT day!!!
We all miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lori Eilers said...

Happy Birthday beautiful girl! I miss you tons and love you bunches! Have a super fun birthday!